The Syriac Root in the Mardini Dialect

Saad Saadi

The book “The Syriac Root of the Mardinian Dialect”, which is an analytical study of the linguistic structure of the Mardin dialect in terms of verbs, structures and hundreds of words remaining in this dialect. The researcher confirms throughout the book the convergence and sometimes coincidence of these structures and expressions with their Syriac origin. Except for a mixture over time between the Arabic language that was introduced to it with the Islamic conquests in the mid-seventh century AD and the Syriac language, the language of the inhabitants of this city and its neighborhood.

Its introduction was written in Syriac by HG Bishop Saliba Ozman, and its foreword in Arabic was HG Bishop Matta. This book is currently being translated into Turkish in order to become accessible to more than a million Mardinian speakers in Turkey from our people and from the Muslims of the Maridin and its neighborhood known as the Mahlmiyyah who were Syriac Christians and converted to Islam centuries ago and still acknowledge this fact, with the aim of introducing all of them to the fact that the Mardinian dialect is a descendant of it. Syriac and thus proof of their Syriac origins.